Wednesday 5 May 2010

Nasty comedians
I think people like Jim Carey ok, because he is not nasty. But smoe comedians do not know where to draw the line. What is known as "The comedy of hate" i do not think being nasty is legitimate comedy anyway. Why is poking fun at the disable so funny. I do not think that being nasty about people who are innocent or in some way disadvantaged deserve to be slandered. If the comedian is messing about then i think it is ok. In some cases though they really mean it and are being plain nasty.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Broken society 2010-people beig Bad

Do we live in broken society? I belive any one who thinks we live in a healthy normal society is deceived. they are either living in their little cottage in the middle of nowhere or they are just not with it. If we look at the way people behave today and fear those around them, then surely we have to come to a conclusion. The world around you has degenerate, we do not live in the 50's or 60's any more. Even the 80's by comparison were civilised and friendly. lets face it, people are not very friendly these days. Now in 2010 we suffer more stress and other worries. Life is now more complicated than it was in previous decades. We all expect more and want more. Also there is less respect between people than there was in past times. Now even 10 year olds swear at and threaten bus drivers and other people, I have seen it so many times.

Monday 3 May 2010

Domestic violence
It would probalby shock all of us if we really knew how much domestic violence there is in Britain. There was recently a television advert campaign where two young people portrayed a victim and abuser. In others the girl was focused on, the message being wake up, do not have to take this. Many women once they have fallen in love with an evil man, subsequently become a kind slave. The man then takes control and takes advantage of the girls' emotions and uses manipulation to be her slave master. This whole reality is really sickening, but is the World we live in. So many women do not realise what they are letting themselves in for, not realising that the guy they will get involved with is not just a player or bad boy, but something a whole lot more dangerous. Ofcourse we must remember there are women who are violent to their men too, this is a terrible thing.

Sunday 2 May 2010

why pornography is bad for you

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Friday 30 April 2010

Bad boys
Why is that some guys cannot go out on a friday night and just have a good time with their friends or girlsfriends. You will always see the ones who are over the edge when you go out for a quite drink. Even cinemas now place their security guards on the actual doors of the cinema on weekends. This is to control entry, so as not allow drunks entry. They have caused enough trouble in the pubs, now they want to cause trouble in the cinema. I agree that anyone who appears high or drunk should not be allowed entry to the cinema.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Is binge drinking bad for our health?
Studies have shown that to drink too much alcohol in one night, thus overdosing on booze can cause people to become ill in the long term. After the initial hang over, someone may think are ok. but as the science is now showing overdosing on alcohol can seriously damage your health long term. Millions of people are taking big risks with their health and unware what it could cost them in the future.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

do we live in a paranoid society?
The question is do we trust strangers or the government or the police or anyone for that matter? in many ways we have indeed become a trival and paranoid society. People are afraid of each other and suspicious. When going to the shops sometimes over jealous security guards upset people, by being too agressive and generally a lot of people have very little manners. I believe that because we live such stressful existences we all are rushed off our feet. Many of us do not get much fresh air or days out the contryside, and so we are all pressed on top of each other in cities surely this is not for us.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

The General election leader debates, are they good for democracy
I for one think it is very important for us electorate, to see our prime minister and the potencial prime Minister to talk the issue out and challenge each other in front of an audience and in front of nation, on television. frankly i find it disgusting that this does not always happen. In my opinion the people deserve better. In the united states the two candidates must face each other and argue in front of the people they want a mandate from. only then can the elected Primier Minister be able to say he was challenged by challenged his opponents.

Monday 26 April 2010

the importance of healthcare
In the coming General elections we are all going to be told by the political parties how much they love the NHS and would never do anything to harm it. what we have to remember is people already have to wait to be treated. could this be affected by a change of government? if we do care about those who are in need of hospital care and National Health Service in General, then we need of hospital care and the National Health Service in general, then we need to analyse who will be best for funding and runing the NHS in the next parliament. we all may need health care and we never know when we may have an accident or a condition that will make us vulnerable and in need. then we will really be concerned, not in an academic way, but in reality.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Has Nick Clegg changed our politics
Has the phenomenal rise of the Liberal Democrat leader changed the face of British politics, or is this just a blip? The truth is we don't yet know. What we do know is that Nick Clegg has done very well at holding his own, and indeed debating in a proffessional way with Cameron and Brown, face to face. This whole debating event has given the Liberals an unusual boost in their poularity, and has at the moment given us a three horse race, if not in seats in the commons, at least in the share of the popular vote. Perhaps no longer can Labour and the Conservatives rely on the fact that they will win an election outright ever again. Maybe we do not have to be governed by a one party state any more, but by a more truly democratic and fair system.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Hung parliaments
I think it is a good idea to have a hung or sometimes what is known as a balanced parliament. for all too long Britain has been governed by a minority vote. With a new balance of power the Liberal democrats could force through a vote in the commons for a new voting system. Proportional representation would benefit this country greatly. Firstly our feelings about a one party system would change. No longer would 60 % of the population have no say in how they are governed. With a fairer voting system the 60% will have a say, that is what i call democracy.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Tatoos, think before you do it
Tattoos are part of culture in some countries, as are piercings. In western culture they are not part of the culture, but an expression of freedom and individualism. Before people get a tatoo they should think twice, many people who i know are now trying to get them removed. itis easy to have a tatoo, but it is not easy to have one removed. It can be painful and take a long time to remove it. Also the amount of money may be 10 or 20 times more in cost to remove than to have it put on. If you really want to go ahead with it then it is your choice, but think twice.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Infedelity and how it hurts the wives
Recently in the press there has been a lot of talk about adultery. The key players lately being Ashley cole, John Terry and Tiger Woods. I think these Guys have got off light for all that they have done to their wives. Again and again these guys have gone behind their wives backs. In many cases it's not so much the sex that destroys the women it is the sense of betrayl they feel. After making a commitment of marriage the husbands have gone awol on their wedding vows, showing that they cannot be trusted. I myself am amazed at how long some of these wives allow the cheats to get away with it. Cheryl Cole has let Ashley get away with adultery many times. Finally she has seen sense and woke up to the reality, that is that her husband cannot be trusted.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The popularity of outlaws in popular culture
Outlaws have long being worshipped by people. That is in popular culture in movies, not in real life. If someone was robbing people in sherwood forest today, most of us would not be impressed. However when we see Errol Flynn or Kevin Costner doing it, we think it's great. Robin Hood is a very popular character, because he robbed from the rich to give to the poor. Although i think that if people were starving then they would relate to Robin Hood a lot more. In the medievel period there definately was starvation and plagues about. The time we live in effects our perspective on how we feel about theft and banditry.

Monday 22 March 2010

should cannabis be grade C or B
I have seen enough examples wandering around of people who think weed is wonderful. But the drug are dealers do not show you the real facts. People who think cannabis should be a class C drug are missing the point. And the point is mind altering substances have long term lasting side effects, like mental illness and the destruction of brain cells. Any one i have seen who cannot leave drugs alone, spend massive amounts of money on their habit.

Sunday 21 March 2010

is Gordon Brown a Bully
When peter Mandelson was interviewed on the Andrew Marr show recently he managed to skirt round and evade the direct question. Although people from Browns own staff have called up the bullying hotline, Government covered it up and tried to discredit the head of that organisation. i think Brown is a bully, but so are many politicians, as well have corrupt system. we may never know the truth, as this Government is very astute at covering things up, as was the previous administration.

Saturday 20 March 2010

Is Lying always bad?
Is lying always bad? I say no! not in every circumstance. sometimes we may have to lie to save ourselves from trouble. In some big cities like New York for example, people have adapted to their criminal environment. When a mugger comes up to them they have two wallets on them. The real wallet with all their money in it, which is hidden somewhere clever. Also there is the fake wallet which has just $20 or so in it. This is deceit, deception, a lie, call it what you want. Question, would you give a mugger all your money? and if he asks you, is this all you have on you ? would you say yes? I know i would. In the Bible King David feigned being crazy by foaming at the mouth, i suppose he thought his enemies would not kill him if they thought he was no threat to them. No where is he rebuked by God for it. Also Abraham pretended his wife was his sister, to protect her,God did not correct him either. The term in the ten commandments is "Though shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" this is referring to lying in a trial situation or deliberately tring to hurt someone else by your word.

Thursday 18 March 2010


An argument about prostitution is that it exploits women.
I believes it expoloits men. when men get hooked on
paying out larges sum of money, it degrades their lives too
and makes sex cheap and without meaning. I think it is better
to find someone with which you love respect and too have a
conventional relationship. However in may parts of the world
women have no choice as they are forced into slavery and
prostititution. this also happens in richer countries and ruins
peoples lives. both men and women.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Shoplifting costs the country a over a billion pounds a year, and guess where the money to replace the money lost to the shops. Yes you guessed it, me and you. A big problem is that the stores put their dvds in the case on display, which is easy pickings for thieves. One big store always used to have the films behind the counter. When the customer bought the film the shop assistant would be handed the empty case and the shop assistant put the film in the case at the time of purchase. Many people who shop lift make a living out of it, selling on the goods they have stolen for a massive discount, much of this fuels drug habbits.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Passive smoking

I think that smoking is very bad for peoples' health. It caused lots of problems in the previous decades when a much higher percentage of the poulation smoked. An issue that is very important to me is that of passive smoking. Many people it is said by health proffessionals have died of cancer because of other peoples' irresponsible and selfish behaviour. The most highlighted case, was that of former entertainer Roy Castle, who died tragically of cancer. It is believed that the reason why a non smoker like himself caught this horrible disease was down to the fact that when he was playing his trumpet in the clubs over the years in massively smoke filled rooms, he inhaled a serious amount of second hand smoke, and subsequently became ill years later.

4th February 2010


Shoplifting costs the country a over a billion pounds a year, and guess where the money to replace the money lost to the shops. Yes you guessed it, me and you. A big problem is that the stores put their dvds in the case on display, which is easy pickings for thieves. One big store always used to have the films behind the counter. When the customer bought the film the shop assistant would be handed the empty case and the shop assistant put the film in the case at the time of purchase. Many people who shop lift make a living out of it, selling on the goods they have stolen for a massive discount, much of this fuels drug habbits.

11th February 2010


An argument about prostitution is that it exploits women. I believe this, but i also believes it exploits men. When men get hooked on paying out large sums of money, it degrades their lives too and makes sex cheap and without meaning. I think it is better to find someone with which you love and respect and too have a conventional relationship. However in many parts of the world women have no choice as they are forced into slavery and prostitution. This also happens in richer countries and ruins peoples lives, both men and women.

11th February 2010

Friday 19 February 2010